

National Coffee Day

September 29, 2011

Welcome back readers!

First off, I loved reading through all of your tailgating and sports stories! Wearing opposing colors, being blamed for breaking the television, packing into vans like a circus act…all great times. I’m sure you’re all hurriedly planning your next outings, so let’s get down to business! Congratulations to Bessie Louise Burnsed (posted at September 22, 2011 at 4:21 pm), Donna Joyce (posted at September 29, 2011 at 9:03 am), Erin from Long Island (posted at September 26, 2011 at 1:48 am), Ed (posted at September 29, 2011 at 1:30 pm), and Peter S. (posted at September 24, 2011 at 7:45 pm)! Please send your full names and address to me at and I can send over your Tasty Tailgating Gift Baskets!

Starbucks® Break Time Gift Basket $79.99; Product Code:94773

Did anyone else know that today is National Coffee Day? Me neither, but it is! Where would I ever be without coffee? Probably sleeping under my desk right now with one line of typing trailing off into some unintelligible words… I think I’ve already talked your ears off (well…’typed your eyes out’ would be the literal approach) about our two gourmet Starbucks coffee and tea gift baskets, so I thought I’d do something more fun this time. I may have an odd definition of fun, but I like learning random facts about things, which is how I stumbled on this funny graphic from The Oatmeal on the “15(ish) Things Worth Knowing About Coffee.” Continue Reading…

Sweepstakes, Uncategorized

Tasty Tailgating

September 22, 2011

Wow! I told you we had something big planned, and we’re all very excited about all the National Gratitude Day Sweepstakes energy going on. Have you entered the sweepstakes on our Facebook page for a chance to win yet? Only one day left! Also, I really enjoyed hearing about your first working experiences. A lot of interesting stories and places (I’m still stuck on truck stop), but that’s the fun thing about jobs; the stories and experiences you get to tell about them!

Of course, I wont keep you all waiting any longer. Congratulations to Lisa Dion (posted at September 22, 2011 at 12:43 am), Juan Carlos (posted at September 21, 2011 at 7:58 pm), and Michelle E (posted at September 19, 2011 at 3:41 pm)! Please send your full names and address to me at and I can send over your Chocolate Covered Strawberries!

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chocolate covered strawberries, Customer Appreciation, Feedback, Gift Baskets, Party!, Sweepstakes, Thank You Gifts, Uncategorized

We have lots to SMILE about!

September 15, 2011

Looks like some of you may have caught us testing out a preview of our BIG giveaway we’ll be having next week! You will all definitely need to check out our Facebook page on Monday, September 19, where we will be hosting our National Gratitude Day sweepstake! We will be giving away 100 All Smiles gift baskets to some lucky fans. That’s right, 100 All Smiles gift baskets! All you have to do is “Like” us and enter your information on the sweepstakes page when it launches on Monday for a chance to win. Invite your friends to Like us too!

However, two of you lucky and loyal readers will be winning the gift basket today. Congratulations to Charlotte LeBlanc (posted at September 12, 2011 at 5:26 pm) and Sharon (posted at September 12, 2011 at 3:49 pm)! Please send your full names and address to me at and I can send over your All Smiles Gourmet Treats gift basket! If you didn’t win today, you have 100 more tries on Monday 🙂

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Customer Appreciation, Feedback, Gift Baskets, Thank You Gifts, Uncategorized

To Our Loyal Fans…

September 12, 2011

Thank you for always making us Smile!

You know what’s fun about being a gifting company (aside from everything, duh!)? It’s that we always know the perfect ways to show appreciation for our nearest and dearest fans! Next week, Monday September 19, is National Gratitude Day, and what better way to show all of you how thankful we are for you than to do what we know best: Gifts!

All Smiles Gourmet Sweets & Treats Gift Basket $9.99; Product code: 96089

You all have been the best and we’re very grateful for you! Thank you so much for coming back every week to read our new posts and giving us your time and input. It’s always so nice to know that we have such dedicated people out there who are interested in what we do. We’re always super thrilled to read what you all have to say, from things that you are excited about, to helping us out with your opinions. That’s why we’re having a special Monday blog post and exclusive giveaway for all of our best fans. TWO lucky fans will win this All Smiles Gourmet Sweets & Treats Gift Basket, which includes $10 off your next purchase! Enough to enjoy on your own, with family or friends, or even to pay it forward to someone you want to show gratitude toward and say thanks on us!

Do you have someone you need to thank? Maybe there is someone who everyday is making your life easier. Whether it’s just being there to talk to on the phone, helping you move boxes, letting you borrow a book or movie, or even someone that you never really thought to thank before, let them know that they’re appreciated and enjoy the biggest smiles that are sure to come. The smiles are a guarantee!

While you’re here, I want you all to make sure you keep your eyes open for some real fun next week. I wasn’t kidding when I said we want to thank you all in the biggest way possible. This week is just the start of our thanks, but be sure to stay tuned for our grandest display of gratitude and smiles on our Facebook page, Monday September 19!

You have until 11:59 p.m. CST tomorrow, Tuesday September 13, to tell us who you owe gratitude to below in the blog comments section (1-2 paragraphs) and enter for a chance to win!


A Big Weekend Ahead

September 8, 2011

Hello readers!

Thank you everyone for the well wishes on moving and your suggestions! I’m still settling in and about ready to donate all of my belongings just so I don’t have to organize anymore.  Your comments were definitely helpful and your ideas have been heard. This will be another quick update as we’re still hard at work on some big surprises for you all!

Grandparent's Day is fun for everyone!

This weekend will be host to Grandparents Day, a holiday I completely and fully endorse! I may be freakishly close with my grandparents, but they are every bit deserving of any holiday that supports all of their hard work and love. They were there in the delivery room when I was born and they’ve been there for me through every step of the way since.  Do you have any fond grandparent memories? What are some special moments you’ve shared with your grandchildren?

As we go into the weekend, also wants to pay our respects to the 10th anniversary of September 11.  No words could ever truly describe what every single American felt on that morning or still feels today. But we send our love to everyone touched by the event and all of the families directly or indirectly involved. This is definitely a weekend for family, friends, and togetherness; to reach out to those closest in your hearts and remember and celebrate their influence in your life.

What ever your plans this weekend are, be safe, be happy, and share it with the ones you love! Thank you again for coming back to read week after week, and I promise we’ll have something great for all of our loyal fans at the start of the new week.


Busy Weekend!

September 1, 2011

Welcome back Gift Basket Fans!

Congratulations to Nikki Hatfield Wilson (posted at September 1, 2011 at 12:21 pm) and Lucy (posted at August 26, 2011 at 6:08 pm)! Please send your full names and address to me at and I can send over your advanced Shades of Autumn Gift Basket! As always, thank you to everyone for participating and don’t forget to tell your friends to join us on Facebook.

Where did I get all of this stuff?

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Back to School, chocolate covered strawberries, Customer Appreciation, Gift Baskets, Party!, Uncategorized

Hooray for National Eat Outside Day!

August 25, 2011

Are you all ready for this? Can you stand the anticipation? Drum roll please! Congratulations to Kandice Young (posted at August 25, 2011 at 12:29 pm) and Marcie (posted at August 18, 2011 at 7:23 pm)! Please send your full names and address to me at and I can send over your box of Chocolate Covered Strawberries! As always, thank you to everyone for participating and don’t forget to tell your friends to join us on Facebook. Continue Reading…

Birthday Gift, chocolate covered strawberries, Customer Appreciation, Feedback, Halloween, Teacher Appreciation, Thank You Gifts, Uncategorized, Valentine's Day

Chocolate Covered Strawberries!

August 18, 2011

Congratulations to Diane (posted at August 18, 2011 at 2:05 pm) and Elaine Kontra (posted at August 16, 2011 at 11:27 am)! Please send your full names and address to me at and I can send over your Back to the Books Snack gift basket! As always, thank you to everyone for participating and don’t forget to tell your friends to join us on Facebook.

Remember when everyone was all “aw we missed out on chocolate covered strawberries and we’re so sad about this”? Remember that? Well, wipe away those tears! Did you know we have a Chocolate Dipped Strawberry club that delivers decadent, mouthwatering strawberries to you four times during the year?

Chocolate Dipped Strawberry Club $19/mo Product Code:94976

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Back to School, Gift Baskets, Summer Time Gift, Teacher Appreciation, Uncategorized

Back to School!

August 11, 2011

Congratulations to Jen (posted at August 11, 2011 at 11:47 am), Amanda (posted at August 4, 2011 at 7:52 pm), & Esther P. (posted at August 8, 2011 at 1:43 pm)! Please send your full names and address to me at and I can send over your Colossal Fortune Cookies! As always, thank you to everyone for participating and don’t forget to tell your friends to join us on Facebook.

Back to School! This is actually really strange for me since this is the first fall since I can remember that I haven’t gone back to school (graduation is weird). Maybe I am just one of the odd ones, but I was always extremely excited to go back to school no matter how great of a summer I had been having. I could barely sleep the night before my first day or my first class (you would think it was Christmas or something). I love going to new classes and meeting new people, I love meeting new teachers or professors, I love picking my seat and getting to buy new notebooks, and binders, and picking out my favorite pens (0.5 mm fine point if you’re curious). And that first day of class where you write down everything perfectly because you imagine that this year you’ll be more organized and neat with your notes and you’ll be on top of your game every single week (first week dreams obviously). Everything is all fun and games, and then you get your first student loan bill.

Back to School Snackin’ Backpack $29.99, product code: 94719

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International Friendship Day (8/7)

August 4, 2011

Hello 1800Baskets readers!

Congratulations to Shannon Baldus (posted at July 28, 2011 at 3:37 pm) and Anne M (posted at August 3, 2011 at 6:24 pm)! Please send your names and address to and I can send your gift baskets right away! Thank you to everyone who participated in our blog challenge even with our comment system acting a little wonky! Also thank you to everyone for participating in our Facebook Free Chocolate Dipped Strawberries for a year contest! We’re really glad that everyone enjoyed it, so keep letting us know how you feel on our Facebook page and invite your friends to join in the fun! It was a definite hit, so I’m sure we’ll be doing similar contests in the near-future. But for now, on with the show!

Is it safe to assume that since you’re all here reading this that I am among holiday-friendly people? People who just love holidays and know where their nearest Hallmark store is? I don’t know that I’ll ever hang up giant cardboard cut outs of eye balls or decorate glasses for National Eye Exam Month (yes that exists and yes it’s this month), but some instituted holidays I think should be celebrated to the fullest. International Friendship Day will be this Sunday, August 7, initially created by the greeting card industry but just recently declared by the General Assembly of the United Nation this April.

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